Menorca 2012 Day 9 – Missing Day, Quiz answers & Microwaves
Thanks to Mrs Beeney for pointing out that I had completely missed a day of my holiday. This is somewhat of a worry as I have no recollection of this!
So welcome to Day 9 which was 30th August, a Thursday I think. Obviously an unremarkable day for the lack of events or annoyances. However I forgot to post the quiz answers from the other night.
1) Who has won most Oscars – Walt Disney of course. Mrs CT & I where almost unique in getting this correct.
2) Where was Barack Obama born? – According to The White House, Hawaii. This was contended by several people claiming Kenya or Indonesia. A heated debate ensued.
3) Which national chain took its name from a character in Moby Dick and has 2 mermaids tails as part of its logo? – Surprisingly the answer was not Captain Birdseye as suggested by Mrs CT but Starbucks.
As I have no pictures of Thursday, here are a couple of my favourites so far.
I am blaming the next picture on my memory lapse. It’s not as though we are just getting our bodies fried in the Mediterranean sun but also our brains courtesy of Vodafone microwaves from the top of the hotel 🙁