My new Knife
You may have gathered from reading this blog over the years that I am into my food and, just as importantly, the preparation and cooking of it. I have been the proud owner and still am of a set of Global Kitchen knives that I have collected over the past twenty years. However, in recent years, I have yearned for a genuine, crafted Japanese kitchen knife. So here we go—my new knife.

This weekend, 15th June 2019, Mrs CT and friends travelled to the NEC in Birmingham, primarily to visit the Gardeners World Live show but with the added bonus of the Good Food Show. After several hours of “plant porn” their words not mine and some lunch we entered the Good Food show bit of the day.

I will admit that I know way more about food than I do about plants, unless, of course, those plants are edible. I have been to the Good Food Show before in London and am an eager subscriber to their monthly magazine. Stall upon stall, with pots, pans, kitchen knives, kitchen gadgets, curry sauces, Mexican sauces, drinks, spirits, etc., etc. One stall in particular caught my eye: Kin Knives, purveyors of quality Japanese knives.

A great selection of one-piece, folded steel, carbon steel and handmade knives in all sorts of shapes and sizes. I already knew what I wanted: a Santoku kitchen knife – a great all-rounder for the kitchen with a Japanese rounded shape. But which one to pick? After trying them all by slicing wafer-thin pieces from a ripe tomato, I chose the one from their Migoto range. Folded steel construction provides one of the hardest and sharpest blades yet feather-light. The one in the middle from the picture above. Certainly not the cheapest – you get what you pay for.
Kin Knives is a family-run business started in 1994 by Tony Murland, who went to Japan to source woodworking tools. On his trip, he discovered Japanese knives the like of which he had never seen before. And so it began. I was fortunate to be advised and served by his daughter Harriet, who is now Managing Director. I knew I was buying from the right company and was going to get an item of real quality.

Loads of chefs use these kitchen knives – have a look at their website to find out who. Who uses Kin? Many famous names
Whilst Global knives are exceptional in build and quality of use, Kin knives are leagues above. Yes they are not cheap, yes you have to take care with sharpening – wet stone only no pull sharpeners or steels. But they are an absolute joy to use: balanced, sharp, precise and downright beautiful.
If you are going to buy only one or two knives to last you a lifetime, then choose Kin. (I am in no way affiliated with Kin; these are just my considered views as a grateful owner.)
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