Menorca 2012 Day 8 – Raffle Winners & Pedicures
The quiz yesterday was just one part of a charity day organised by Thomson. There was also a raffle to win any of several prizes donated by local establishments. Out of the options there really was only one we DIDN’T want to win but sod’s law was always going to intervene.
Bottle of champagne
90 minute spa treatment for 2
Designer sun hats & bag
Champagne & chocolates on flight home
Luxury meal at local restaurant
3 hour Kayak expedition
Guess which one we won??!! Howls of laughter ensued as we collected our prize. One woman at the front even suggested I might want to start on a diet beforehand. Bitch!

The hotel possesses a nicely equipped spa with the usual saunas, Turkish baths and pools. Going from the 38c pool to the 12c pool takes your breath away, literately. We have purchased a 3 day pass so have spent a very quiet and leisurely day away from the crowds which included a pedicure!
The last person to pay such attention to my pinkies was my mother some 45 years ago. One look at the tray of equipment the beauty woman had, made me feel I was at the dentists or torture dungeon, not sure which is worse.
The outcome is soft feet and toenails that won’t need abusing for at least a fortnight.