Menorca 2012 Day 7 – Diversification and Quizes

Times are tough economically all over the world and Spain is no exception. There a few empty shops and restaurants but by no means as many as Greece.

Some retailers are having to diversify into selling related goods ie coffee and bakery goods, newsagents and sandwiches etc. the owners of this shop have taken this to the extreme.

Many a time I have wished there was somewhere convenient to buy a new pair of deck shoes, a shark rod and a bag of mixed floats at the same time. Thank goodness for Maruxa.

Quiz time around the pool today. I think we have failed miserably but have shone at some of the more obscure answers.

1) who has won the most oscars?
2) where was Barack Obama born?
3) what national chain took its name from a character in Moby Dick and features 2 mermaid tails in its logo?

Answers later (no cheating by using Google).

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