Menorca 2012 Day 5 – Walking, Strippers and Fire
Sunday mornings are usually reserved for a brisk 5 mile walk around our local lakes followed by a cup of tea, and sometimes breakfast, at the visitors centre.
Today we had breakfast, eggs, bacon, beans & toast, the usual Spanish fare but the furthest we walked was to the pool!
There are some lovely walks here but are not for the faint hearted. Check out the one below.

It is a walk to the next village. 9.6km which isn’t too bad but at an estimated time of 7 hours probably one to leave to the mountain goats. Just the look of the stone stairs starting the route were enough to put me off.

The evening entertainment has been getting a little bizarre following on from James and his Blankets. Last night we had a rock band with fairly good musicians in particular the lead guitar……but……every now and then they would be joined by a fire wielding lunatic girl dressed loosely as a stripper. Setting ropes on fire and then waving them above your head and the audience is just random.

The only connection I could find was the title of the evening, Fire and Ice. Where the ice got to, heaven knows. The band perhaps? No they were the Blue Jays……..
…….and here is another act, a couple of brothers from Cuba who to be fair had good rythem on the sax and bongos. They too were joined by what appeared to be another lady of the night. Old enough to be their mother (but probably just the filling in the menage a trois sandwich) she had a skirt so short you were regularly introduced to her white knickers and could clearly read the label. Great pair of legs though!

First shopping expedition tomorrow albeit a small one. Just into the village to a great little shop selling Lacoste, branded perfumes and some nice leather goods. They have a 50% Rebejas at the moment……ladies I am sure you don’t need to look up what that translates as.