So our first day in New York full of excitement and anticipation. This is what we woke up to.
We were not going to get put off by this. We have all experience a blustery day at Skeggie in the past; this cannot be any worse. Off we set in search if traditional American diner for breakfast. Oh did we strike lucky – Happy Days diner, only one of two places open in the whole neighbourhood.
Nicely fuelled with eggs over easy on corned beef hash and unlimited corfeee. We wondered what we could do in a city that was shut, the rain going sideways and enough wind to blow the skin off Mrs CT’s rice pudding. Luckily the locals are very helpful & Victor the teacher gave us a list of his favourite bars & restaurants.
A walk down to the end of the street to Brooklyn Promenade is the closest we are going to get to Manhatten & The Statue of Liberty.
Nothing else to do but head to the nearest Irish Bar to drown our sorrows. Girls drinking chocolate martinis. At least that will give us some peace this afternoon.
The boys left one hour later just as all hell let loose. Some of these photos are messing about but some are real. The wind nearly took Mr B from us and blew him down the subway.
We are in for a very bumpy ride. Hold onto everything folks – here comes Sandy.