New York City – Outbound
So the intrepid 6 set off from Stanwick to catch VS45 from Heathow to JFK. 2 drove to some friends in Essex because they didn’t want to pay for parking and the other 4 went straight to Long Term T3
I even had the car cleaned inside and out for the occasion.

So far so good. Then apparent disaster. There had been an aircraft change which meant our pre booked seats had gone! As the nice lady at Upper Class check in had nothing to do we were ask to go there for new boarding passes.
Then joy! A quick exchange of coded speech between a smartly dressed young man and checkin brought a smile to her face and subsequently ours. We are to be upgraded to Upper Class, a £3,000 ticket. Whoop whoop

This meant beds instead of seats, champagne and fine dining all the way.

After lunch and many glasses of win, the situation got the better of the ladies so Steve & I made their beds and retreated to the bar. Yes beds & bar

So now we are just 40 mins from JFK with more exciting things to do and see. As for the remaining 2 in goat class, I am not sure that we will see them again!