Menorca 2012 Day 3 – Guitars, Blankets and Fakes
The Audax is an adults only hotel which is another reason for Mrs CT’s selection. As such it puts on quite a good entertainments programme. Not a kids disco in sight.
We have a full time resident musician, James, a surfer type lad from the UK who is rather good with a guitar and his arrangements of well known modern tunes.
The only downside, he pops up everywhere – at the pool at lunchtime, in the Spa and the cocktail bar……..and even the beach!

Twice a week the event “James and his blankets on the beach” takes place. An intimate little gathering with gentle strumming and polite silence and appreciation from the audience.
That is until we turned up. Arriving 30 minutes after the start and in the pitch black we managed to trip and fall on to the blankets (thank you to the 2 young Spanish ladies who provided me with a soft but interesting landing). Fuelled by several Mojitos this set Mrs CT off into a giggling fit which was compounded by my new Spanish friends joining in. Ooh the looks of disapproval we got from the others.

Well done James for carrying on for the next hour.
I suspect that the entertainment is of better quality than the hotel down the road. Just check out their flyer for the evening’s gig. The 3 worst fakes I have ever seen! If you can, zoom in on Elvis. Surely he has avoided the confines of the Sex Offenders Register and escaped to Spain.

Anyway, enough of last night and back to today. Weather very good and set to continue so. The pool inviting and beer cold, not much more you can want.
Talk again tomorrow.