Bulgaria 2013 – Day 8 – Old Nessebar & Cocks
If you are travelling to this part of the world then a trip to Old Nessebar is a must. This delightful village set on a promontory dates back to the 6th century and since 1983 has been a designated Unesco World Heritage site.
These days it is rammed with tourists, tourists shops and fish restaurants. There are some interesting sites to be seen. Walking down a side street a cockerel was making himself heard. It took a little while to see where the noise was coming from. Turns out he lives on someones balcony!

After a couple hours of wandering around this labyrinth, Mrs CT declared it was time for refreshment. A restaurant by the sea was required for an early lunch. We have eaten at this restaurant before. Good food, reasonably priced and spectacular scenery in particular the giant fig tree that grows in the middle of the terrace.

Dishes of squid, scad (deep fried fish, twice the size of whitebait but gutted), shopska salad with a side dish of pork “Elena” (thinly sliced charcuterie), where chosen from the vast menu.

The second item on this page however, did cause some consternation if not a bout of childish sniggering!

…….and finally. The offerings from this stall are quite outstanding. I cannot quite belive the product mix. Just imagine the conversation between mother and young Alice,
“Alice, what present would you like to take home, a furry kitty, a bubble gun, perhaps a laser pen? No mummy I would like a large wooden penis!”