Bulgaria 2013 – Day 3 – Lidl, Gin o’clock & Bulgarian Bulges
Well, as suggested in yesterday’s entry, we ventured forth this morning to obtain supplies from the nearest supermarket, Lidl. All the usual fare that this group has to offer plus a lot more. The vegetable section was fantastic as was fresh fish. Mrs CT decided that I am to cook fresh trout on the BBQ this evening accompanied by a dill and butter sauce with a Greek Salad and Potato wedges. Doesn’t want much?
Many other things were purchased including a chicken for traditional Sunday roast but most importnatly tonic water, wine and beer. No guessing what is about to happen from the next picture or even what time it is – yup Gin o’clock.

A nicely full fridge that will keep us going over the weekend. (Note the already prepared salad in the bowl by Mrs CT).

So after homemade ham salad rolls for lunch the clouds put in a brief appearance so we thought the pool bar would be a good distraction. A couple of large Cosmopolitans and beers were shared with Beeney junior and Miss Kelly. Once I managed to tear Mrs CT away from ogling the Bulgarian workers, enjoying a dip in their tight speedos, with even tighter buns and what I can only describe as frontal protuberances, we had a dip in our own pool.

You may just glimpse the top of our chariot for the next 2 weeks – the mighty Aygo. I will explain more about this tiny little dinky toy in another blog.
Only one thing of importance tomorrow – sport and lots of it – watching it with a couple of small accumulators (accas) already placed. Laters xx