New York 2014 – Day 1
As some of my readers may remember, we ventured forth to NewYork at Halloween 2012. A treat for my 50th birthday.
The Frankenstorm that met us, cutely named Sandy, ensured that we saw little of NYC apart from Irish Bars that didn’t give a damn about the weather. God bless the Celts.
So here we are, New York – “part 2, the less windy trip”. Currently we are enjoying the benefits of World Traveller Plus courtesy of BA onboard a Boeing 777 doing 524mph somewhere just south of Cork.

Only another 7 hours 8 minutes and 3431 miles to go. Fortunately the bar trolley has just been on its first visit, depositing with us a Vodka & Tonic and a beer. Well it is 7am in New York!

Mrs CT, who managed to get on board with no fuss, is currently sitting comfortably and giggling very loudly, because of her headphones, whilst watching Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa.

My view from seat 19B

So here we go 6 minutes to landing. Hudson River to our left, New York straight on. No wind, no clouds, no rain. Woo hoo!

We are here. 32nd floor of the Times Sq Novotel. We are off out to explore. Laters.