Cretian Times Day 2
“Simon are you awake? Hello, are you awake?”
Well I am now. What time is it?
Oh good!
“Let’s have an early start. Don’t want to waste any of our holiday” exclaims Mrs CT.
Not that we had an early start yesterday, off we march to breakfast. Anything to keep the peace. Suppose I can always grab a few hours on the sunbed. Nice beach at this time of the morning.

10:10 – Been sent to figure out how to use the electronic booking terminals (yes really) for the 5 separate restaurants they have here. Heaven forbid I am going to get to sit/sleep in the sun!

Table booked at Thai restaurant for Friday. The terminals come online at 10am each morning and unless you are in line at that time, your choice of eatery for the evening 2 days hence is limited to one. The queues were 30 long with not a smile amongst them. Hotel/Thomsons please note that holidays should be a good and positive experience and not a chore/bore in order to obtain your daily sustenance.
Having said that, lunch was excellent washed down with a bottle of local rose.
Now time for some sun and zzzs on our own terrace…….or that was the plan…..!

This is the only sun that we receive each day (on our own terrace that is) making the very comfortable but misnamed sunbeds obsolete. Not quite the value for money we had expected from a swim-up-room. Action required….
……”we are back at 15:00″ says the note on the Sensatori Advisors office.” Standby for a visit from Mr. T is what I say.
19:00 “we will ask the hotel if an alternative room can be found”. Crikey that was an easy meeting. Let’s see what happens!….. meantime a pint beckons from over the road

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