Crete 2013 – Day 0

Why Day 0? Well we are not in Crete yet. We have made it as far as Radisson Blu hotel in Stansted. Room with a view and 7 days car parking for a reasonable price.

As the flight is at 06:40 tomorrow the best feature is the covered walkway from hotel to airport. Yes it is that close!

The lounge bar features a truly spectacular wine tower 3 stories high. If you order a bottle a magical little machine called The Wine Angel, scampers up the tower and fetches your chosen tipple.

Here is Mrs CT on her second Rose Prossecco and its not even 17:30!! She claims that we will be having a very early night tonight so everything is relative. Please note that I have not achieved the art of levitation but merely leaning over the 3rd floor balcony.

Weather looking okay for next week which of course is the whole point of our May expeditions. Avra Imperial Beach here we come!

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